Japanese-English translation,
Subject area "Communication Technology",
Topic "IPSTAR Disaster Prevention Package"
Translation examples
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弊社カスタマーサポート(03-6279-0933)にお電話か、あるいはeメール      (support@ipstar.ne.jp) にてアップグレードをご連絡下さい。大規模災害時等、当社が必要と判断した場合、全お客様分のサービスを一旦高速化し、 数日以内にご連絡がなかったお客様分の高速化は不要と判断して、通常設定に戻します。


のサービスは5年間で満了ですが、6年目以降も続けたい場合 にはどうなりますか?
サービスが満了した時点から202112月までの期間について設置済みの機器を継続利用して  IPSTAR BCP サービスを延長することが可能です。追加料金は1年間でおよそ10万円(固定IPは別途)を予定しています。お支払いはサービスが満了した時点から202112月までの 期間分を一括で前払いとなります。

災害によってお客様に設置したアンテナが傾いたり、機器が破損した りした場合には最大限の努力で現地を訪問し、再設置に努めますが、期限はお約束できません。
上記のような事象が、災害以前に発生する可能性も排除できません。平素より機器が通 可能な状態であることを確認して、災害に備えていただくことはお客様にお願いします。
その他に埼玉県秩父にあるIPSTARの通信センター側の被災時、豪雨時等は  使えないことがあります。
Frequently asked questions     

Q1) In a normal situation, is there a method for verifying that the service can be used in
case of emergency?
A1) The speed is low. But you can verify the communication by means of the Internet
or mail.

Q2) What procedures are required during a disaster, for example if I need to increase
the speed?
A2) Contact the Customer Support of our company by phone (03-6279-0933) or by E-
mail (support@ipstar.ne.jp) to upgrade. If during a wide-scale disaster our
company decides that this is necessary, we temporarily increase the speed for all
our customers. If you do not contact us within several days, we decide that the
speed increase for some of our customers is not necessary and the speed will be
returned to the normal setting.

Q3) Is the support available in case a disaster occurs at night or during holidays?
A3) If a telephone is available, call the Customer Support (03-6279-0933). Despite off
hours, the information will be sent automatically and the support will be available.
Moreover, via IPSTAR you can call the Customer Support via Skype or IP
telephony. E-mail is recommended for support during working hours.

Q4) IPSTAR BCP service expires after 5 years. What should I do if I would like to
extend it for the sixth year and further?
A4) You can extend IPSTAR BCP service for the continuous use of the installed
equipment within the period from the expiration date of the service until December
2021. The additional cost is approximately 100,000 yen per year (static IP for
separate price). The payment for the period from the expiration date of the service
until December 2021 is prepaid in bulk.

Q5) Is it possible to use all equipment during a disaster?
A5) Please note the following cases.

(1) In case the antenna installed for a customer got tilted or the equipment got damaged
as a result of a disaster, we will make the maximum efforts to visit the place of installment
and reinstall the equipment. However, we do not promise to carry out the work within a
specified time period.

(2) We cannot exclude the possibility that the above mentioned damage occurred in a
previous disaster. We ask customers to make sure that the equipment is in a normal state
and prepared for a disaster.

(3) The equipment cannot work during disasters and heavy rains near IPSTAR
communication center in Chichibu, Saitama Prefecture.